Are you considering moving into a new home or investing in a property? Perhaps a multi-family property with cash flow potential? Are you interested in how the market may be affecting you? This seminar is about equipping you to build economic security by creating a real estate plan that works for you.
Join me for this forum with real-life examples and how to simplify financing while positioning yourself for future real estate moves. Mark your calendar for Thursday, Feb 20th -or- Thursday, March 20th at Sanitas Brewing in Boulder. You’ll enjoy community + all things real estate. Each RSVP will receive beer + tacos. Space is limited to 15 people.
What you’ll walk away with:
-Food, always food
-A direct link to finance & real estate professionals
– Real-life examples of various single-family, multi-family, and partnership investments
-Your very own property analysis worksheet to evaluate potential opportunities and forecast what future real estate investments can do for your economic security

Portfolio Growth, It Involves A Plan Have you been watching what the housing market is doing and long-considered how to get into more focused real estate investing?
What if you could build economic security through real estate? You can. What if you could pay for a college education with a rental property? You can.
Let’s explore the multitude of advantages that come with investing in real estate:
✔️Income Generation: By evaluating what property to get into, market rents, and how much down payment is required, a property that provides a profit is truly an asset that generates a return in real-time.
✔️Equity Building: Appreciation allows for wealth accumulation and increased net worth. Boulder County has appreciated 9% on average since the 90’s.
✔️Tax Benefits: Property owners can take advantage of tax deductions, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance expenses. Deductions can help lower taxable income and increase overall savings in other assets.
✔️Real-Estate Experience: Managing your rental properties provides valuable experience in understanding the mechanics of being a landlord, financial planning, and investment strategies. As we build out your long-term plan, you’ll develop important skills to benefit you in future real estate and investment endeavors.